Our Lasting Love group is for Post-NICU Mamas. Lasting Love is a mothers’ group designed around the needs of mothers and their babies that is open to them for one year after discharge. Weekly group meetings provide information and education on topics relevant to NICU mamas, a welcoming community of kindness, compassion and shared experience, and a safe space to bring immune suppressed infants. It is an inclusive community and is open to all mothers of NICU babies, regardless of the hospital where their child was born or hospitalized, including hospitals not currently served by Love for Lily.

The Details:

Every Thursday 11:30AM (MST)

Join the Microsoft Teams Meeting: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MzBlYWNjODctNWVhMC00OTBmLWIyMGEtNzhiZGVjYzZlMTUx%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22d8957dac-d955-465d-b721-af0fb4227bef%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%224425d18d-8814-4f4d-bc4f-32c3062a3435%22%7d

Using Microsoft Teams

Joining with a link

Click the group link. You will be taken to a page where you can choose to either join on the web or download the desktop app. Enter your name and wait to be let into the meeting.

Do I need a Microsoft Teams account?

You don’t need to have a Teams account or the app to join a meeting (but if you would like you to, learn how to create an account and download the app here.).

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Love for Lily’s goals in all of our programming are:

  • To provide social, emotional, and logistical support to families with children who have been hospitalized in the Neonatal Intensive Care Units of area hospitals.
  • To provide non-medical services that aim to connect parents to other NICU families and to community resources that may reduce the incidence of postpartum mood disorders in this population of parents.
  • To educate and empower the families of NICU infants to take a more proactive and involved role in the care of their children while in the NICU in order to help alleviate feelings of helplessness and fear and to strengthen bonds between babies and parents.
  • To connect all families served with available and appropriate therapeutic and community resources as needed.

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