The Team Love community is a group of generous individuals who want to help create a world where nobody has to walk the NICU alone by helping to sustain all of Love for Lily services at no cost to participants.
See the impact your generosity can have:
“Love for Lily was there for me repeatedly, meeting where I was at. They cheered my son’s milestones and listened to my frustrations, always offering kindness and ways forward.”
–Declan’s Mama
We celebrate the tiny victories
These tiny warriors teach us every single day that those little things add up to a very very big impact.
Give for you, give for your NICU baby, give for the NICU families that come after you.
$10 helps to support the 1 in 10 babies born preterm in the US
Forego two trips to the coffee shop each month and instead help us fill a cup of love for a NICU family.
$25 helps to support one family each month in the NICU
Giving the gift of essentials helps new families navigate the uncertainty of the NICU.
$50 a month helps ease the pain for a grieving family
Help us fill the empty arms of grieving parents with love and support.
Does your company provide donation matching?
Many companies have a program to support and encourage philanthropy among their employees. Some companies will even match spouses and retirees as well. Often by simply completing a matching gift form, you may be able to double, or even triple, the impact of your gift!